Kuwaiti Dinar(KWD) To British Pound(GBP)

Kuwaiti Dinar(KWD) To British Pound(GBP) Exchange Rates Today

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Kuwaiti Dinar(KWD) To British Pound(GBP)

This is the page of Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) to British Pound (GBP) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit British Pound(GBP) To Kuwaiti Dinar(KWD).



2.61431 GBP

Convert British Pound To Kuwaiti Dinar

Exchange Rates Updated: Feb 08,2025 21:18 UTC

Full history please visit KWD/GBP History

Convert Kuwaiti Dinar(KWD) To British Pound(GBP)

1 KWD =2.61431 GBP0.38251 KWD =1 GBP
2 KWD =5.22863 GBP0.76502 KWD =2 GBP
5 KWD =13.07157 GBP1.91255 KWD =5 GBP
10 KWD =26.14314 GBP3.82509 KWD =10 GBP
15 KWD =39.21472 GBP5.73764 KWD =15 GBP
20 KWD =52.28629 GBP7.65019 KWD =20 GBP
25 KWD =65.35786 GBP9.56274 KWD =25 GBP
50 KWD =130.71572 GBP19.12547 KWD =50 GBP

Kuwaiti Dinar(KWD) To British Pound(GBP) History Graph

History Exchange Rate

DateKuwaiti DinarBritish Pound
Friday 07/02/20251 KWD =2.61339 GBP
Thursday 06/02/20251 KWD =2.60618 GBP
Wednesday 05/02/20251 KWD =2.5927 GBP
Tuesday 04/02/20251 KWD =2.59689 GBP
Monday 03/02/20251 KWD =2.60575 GBP
Sunday 02/02/20251 KWD =2.63676 GBP
Saturday 01/02/20251 KWD =2.61494 GBP
Friday 31/01/20251 KWD =2.61536 GBP
Thursday 30/01/20251 KWD =2.6106 GBP
Wednesday 29/01/20251 KWD =2.60365 GBP

Full history please visit KWD/GBP Exchange Rates History

Convert 1 Kuwaiti Dinar(KWD) to other currencies

Popular Kuwaiti Dinar(KWD) Pairing

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